GVST News - Keeping Up to Date with Everything GVST
Want to Join the Forestry Steward Program?

If you would like to officially join the Forestry Steward volunteer team here is all the info to get you started:
Volunteer Portal Sign Up
I will be posting volunteer events and training opportunities through our volunteer portal. Here is the link to join the Forestry Steward volunteer group: https://sanantonio.galaxydigital.com/user/joinGroup/?group=1uVaRQJ5rJADqF1DuEKbzQyzt0HbvGZzCwFbI3cpHVcm8yBI7%2BtmdoubZHAzaOjMWKzE5HToiFYmPovB5kV1dw%3D%3D
When you click the above link a browser window will open to the volunteer portal. You will see the Forestry Steward group description and then three questions. Answer those questions and then click the “Join User Group” button. If you have an existing user account, you will be prompted to login. If you do not, please click the “Sign Up” link on the screen.
Once you sign up, you can view all Parks and Recreation volunteer needs by clicking the “Needs” option on the left-hand side of the screen.
The calendar is always being updated and the next sign up will be posted soon for 12/7/24 at Woodlawn Lake Park. Expect lots of volunteer and training opportunities for our Forestry Steward team!
Education Resources
Here are some great resources to start reviewing as you begin your journey as a forestry steward:
City of San Antonio Heat Maps
Storymap*: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/355b3b8911a644ed90d5571d6a60578a
SAWS Garden Style: https://www.gardenstylesanantonio.com/
SAWS Water Conservation: https://www.saws.org/conservation/drought-restrictions/
CPS Energy’s Trees of the San Antonio Region Guide: https://www.cpsenergy.com/content/dam/corporate/en/Documents/EnergyEfficiency/Full_tree_guide.pdf
Texas A&M Forest Service Tree Planting Guide: https://texastreeplanting.tamu.edu/
Texas A&M Forest Service Trees of Texas. : http://texastreeid.tamu.edu/content/listOfTrees/
*Scroll down to the middle of this Story map to find the UTSA Heat Vulnerability Study and the interactive equity and urban heat island map for San Antonio.
SAWS Outdoor Living Rebate

This program helps customers replace a section of lawn with a new deck, or permeable patio created with flagstone, steppingstones, or pavers. Previously constructed or current under-construction decks and patios are not eligible. The rebate ranges from $300 to $1,000, depending how much grass is removed (minimum 200 square feet required). After work is complete and approved, you’ll get a cash rebate! Combine all four programs — Outdoor Living Rebate, Irrigation Design Rebate, WaterSaver Landscape Coupon and Rewards Coupons — and you can stretch your budget to make significant landscape transformations to save water and money!
Liven Up your Landscape with SAWS WaterSaver Landscape Coupons

SAWS residential customers may apply for up to four $100 WaterSaver coupons to replace part of the water-guzzling grass in your landscape with lush, drought-tolerant garden beds. That’s a whopping $400 in savings!
Make your landscape dreams a reality with radiant plants like salvia, mistflower, cenizo and this region’s stalwart, mountain laurel and much, much more. Once established these water-efficient plants will not only look great year-round, but also help you conserve water and save money on your water bill.
For more details click here: https://www.gardenstylesanantonio.com/garden-tips-blog/return-of-the-watersaver-landscape-coupon/