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Gardening Essentials Classes

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GVST Gardening Essentials Class - 3rd Monday Each Month

Free and Open to the Public

The Next Gardening Essentials Class is February 17, 2025 

Doors open to public at 11:30 am

San Antonio Garden Center - 3310 N New Braunfels Avenue San Antonio, Texas 78209​​​

We appreciate you and look forward to seeing you - No Registration Required

Robin Norton of Rainbow Gardens will hold (2) workshops relating to “Accessible Gardening”.


​Session 1 - 

Accessible Gardening Options
Join us for an informative class designed to explore a variety of gardening solutions that make growing plants and cultivating green spaces accessible to individuals of all ages and abilities. Whether you are a gardener in a wheelchair, someone with limited mobility, or working with special needs children, this course will provide you with practical tools and techniques to create inclusive, enjoyable gardening environments. This class will be 

Presented by Robin Norton of Rainbow Gardens.








Session 2 - Practical tools and techniques for creating a water saving garden environment.



Volunteer for the Upcoming Class


GVST is using SignUp to help organize our upcoming Gardening Essentials Classes:  "We can always use your help" Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:​​​


  1. Click the Signup Link or use our volunteer page to see our options on SignUp:   

  2. Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

  3. Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.


Note: GVST & SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact us and we can sign you up manually - (

General Information about the Classes

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this in-person event is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their gardening knowledge or skills. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from expert gardeners and fellow gardening enthusiasts, who will share their knowledge and tips on various gardening techniques. From choosing the right plants for your garden to proper soil preparation and maintenance, we’ll cover all the essentials you need to know to help create a thriving garden.


The GVST Gardening Essentials classes are typically held on the third Monday of each month. We try and cover important topics that will help you establish and maintain a beautiful and water efficient landscape. The classes are always informal, interactive and fun. Here are the basics.


  • Class runs from 12 p.m. - 3 p.m.

  • You can bring a brown bag lunch /snack (or contribute and participate in the pot luck buffet).

  • We have door prizes at each class. A $5 donation is appreciated to support that activity.

  • You can have your hand-pruning tools sharpened ($3 ea.)

  • We host pass-along plants & sell tables. You're welcome to bring plants and seeds to share with the group.

  • There are always knowledgeable gardeners there to ask and answer questions.


For more information about the Gardening Essentials Classes, please email us at or

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